
Babywearing is something that has become close to my heart since having the boys. Had you asked me before having children I don't think I would have ever in a million years thought I would have carried my children in slings, least still been carrying my eldest at nearly four years old yet here I am. So as I am a bit of a mad babywearing mum I wanted to share a few sites on my blog for anyone interested in using slings with their children.

Natural Mamas
My favourite site. I have basically lived on this forum over the last few years. It is a very friendly place with a wealth of information on slings and other areas relating to children. It also has a fab crafty section :)

A great site for general advise about the different types of slings and how to use them. It also has some good information on why you shouldn't carry forward facing out really and the recall on Bagslings due to the danger they can be to smaller infants.

The TICKS rules for safe babywearing

A slingmeet is where a group meet up and bring along slings for others to try. It allows mums new to babywearing to try a variety of slings without necessarily having to purchase them and also to get advise and tips on how to do different carries and use the slings safely from people who have greater experiance.

Trageschule is a training course on how to babywear and also holds a list of qualified instructors in the UK.

Cardiff Babywearing and Slingmeet Facebook group

The Babywearer
This is an american site and much larger really than naturalmamas but again has alot of information for anyone interested in babywearing.

Why you should never babywear in a car

Babywearing Safety Facebook page